Lil' Licit Liturgy Lunatics

Prior to the Real Mass, one experiences decorum, solemnity, seriousness, and silent prayer as The Real Mass inculcates respect and awe in those inside of God's sacred, consecrated, House of worship, His Church.

Many of the sad folks in this video are of the same age as ABS (Same age as Israel) and they used to never speak inside a church because they were raised by their parents to not speak in the house of God because the house of God is a place for prayer.

These sad folks now jaw-bone and ignore their Triune God and make far more noise inside the house of God than they would make inside the South Portland Library right across the street.

No, the Lil' Licit Liturgy has destroyed any sense of decorum and prayerful prudence inside the house of God. The Lil' Licit Liturgy has learnt them all that life is all about them....

The Revolutionary Rite which is the spiritual version of a neutron bomb * - the revolutionary rocket carrying the neutron warhead blowed-up in the heart of Catholicism, killing uncountable souls but leaving their bodies intact.

At the Lil' Licit Liturgy one may overhear Becky speaking to her friend, Sally about how happy their mutual friend, Eileen, is now that her son, Evan, has come out as a gay man and brought his partner, Robert, up to camp for a summer vacation.

One can over hear Fred talking to his buddy, Warren, about how fearful he was after going in for tests on his colon; I sure as hell hope it ain't on the fritz, he avers as he knocks on the wooden pew for good luck.

Thanks Hierarchy, thanks a lot...

nuclear bomb designed to release radiation consisting mainly of neutrons, thus causing extensive loss of life but relatively little damage to buildings and property and only brief radioactive contamination.

O, the music? Yeah, it sounds as though one may have wandered into some happy secular event - perhaps an estate sale along the coast in, say, Falmouth Foreside.

What the music does not sound like is music apt for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass/Holocaust.


  1. I have memories of the old Roman Catholic Church. I was a Protestant little girl growing up among a sea of Catholics. My best friend was a little Catholic girl. I remember how she wanted me to see her church and all the beautiful things in it. She told me solemnly that we would have to wear something over our heads because it was a Holy Place. However I was frightened of going in because she told me there were “some bones” under the alter and this terrified me. But there was so much respect for the Faith back then. It is so sad to see what has happened to your church. I remember being told of all the changes after Vatican II and all the”freedom “that came with it, but really, everything just fell apart. I do pray for your church regularly.

    1. Dear Anon. Thanks for your prayers and generous sentiment. It is always a tragedy to live through the destruction of something you have undying love for.

      But, as my Uncle always told me; "It is always darkest before the storm."

  2. Back seat/pew catholic.

    I always try to get to mass early. So i can get a seat in the back row.
    Yes, there is an empty church but i'm in the back of the church.

    Why did i evolve into a back of the church, last pew junkie???

    The truth is that i got tired of those sitting behind me and not allowing me to extend my legs when kneeling. Oh yea, they would push their kneeler up against the pew so i couldnt kneel...
    (Pssssst, i have long legs).

    So instead of "pew rage" another form of "road rage"
    I beeline for the back pew in where my extended legs dont get trashed by non-kneelers.


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