The Church's Shell Game of hiding sexual criminals from the faithful continues

The New Theologians actualised a revolution within the form of Catholicism such that now the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is but a shell of its former self. 

To hide from the faithful that there have been substantial and serious change the shells are moved about on the felt (feelings) of Catholicism and kept in constant motion so as to distract the faithful from the truth.

Empty slogans have been advanced - the New Pentecost. The Springtime in the Church, The Civilisation of Love and even The Hermeneutic of Continuity but for men like ABS there is the plain and simple truth that the Church he was born into in 1948 no longer exists in the Hierarchy and in The Vatican although it does exist in the Chapels and Churches that have kept the Faith once delivered and which feature The Real Mass.

It is in those Chapels and Churches that the new Pelayos are being formed.

But, back to the Shell Game; the Hierarchy claims that the Dallas Charter and the transferring to the CDF (By Pope Saint John Paul II with Ratzinger as Prefect) of the sex abuses cases has been successful and, thus, the continuing revelations about the sexual crimes of the sodomites committed against innocent post-pubescent males is really a thing of the past.

No. It. Is. Not.

The Dallas Charter exempted The Bishops from punishment and many of them were permitted to continue to commit sodomy and corrupt Holy Mother Church and the last three Popes had knowledge of those evil prelates and their perversions but not only allowed them to continue in ministry but actually promoted some of these perverts to positions of great power and influence.

In the Shell Game the owner/operator moves the shells around while concealing the perv-perps and we are all supposed to not only allow ourselves to be distracted but to applaud the show.

Vigano's bomb shell statement includes the fact that Pope Benedict XVI knew about Ted McCarrick and his sexual crimes yet chose to punish him in a way that liberated him from having to stand trial for his crimes, face his victims, and, hopefully, be sentenced to prison where prisoners hate - HATE  skinners (pedophiles) -  and adminisister their own brand of rough justice to them.

Immediately after, the Pope asked me in a deceitful way: “What is Cardinal McCarrick like?” I answered him with complete frankness and, if you want, with great naiveté: “Holy Father, I don’t know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”

McCarrick should have been laicised and then turned over to the secular authorities for trial and a prison term but the Pope could not do that without putting his legacy and liberty into jeopardy because the Grand Jury could then subpoena church records and then the Church's shell game of hiding sexual criminals would be exposed for the entire world to see and reveal that Bishop Emeritus Ratzinger was the owner and operator of The Shell Game.

Previous to Bishop Emeritus Ratzinger, Pope Saint John Paul II and Pope Paul VI were the owners and operators of The Shell Game.


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