The failure of Bishop Emeritus Ratzinger

From the Nuke Bomb statement of Vigano..

Immediately after, the Pope asked me in a deceitful way: “What is Cardinal McCarrick like?” I answered him with complete frankness and, if you want, with great naiveté: “Holy Father, I don’t know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.” The Pope did not make the slightest comment about those very grave words of mine and did not show any expression of surprise on his face, as if he had already known the matter for some time, and he immediately changed the subject. But then, what was the Pope’s purpose in asking me that question: “What is Cardinal McCarrick like?” He clearly wanted to find out if I was an ally of McCarrick or not.

When he was Pope, Benedict XVI failed to do what was necessary - Laicise McCarrick, turn him over to the secular authorities for punishment,  along with all of the pertinent documents, and then publicly apologise to the entire Church and promise all such sodomites would be exposed and turned over to the secular authorities for punishment.


Once a few of these bastids feel the wrath of other prisoners (even those the vast majority are not pedophilies) we can anticipate some resignations and high-tailing it out of Rome before the authorities can get them.

Any calls for Ratzinger to return to the Papacy are insane and evince a lack of righteous anger at the Hierarchy - including Ratzinger.


  1. Read Vigano's testimony again. According to him, Benedict XVI sanctioned McCarrick, taking away his faculties to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments publicly and ordered him reclused to a life of prayer and penance. That's a pretty serious sentence, like annulling his entire priesthood.

    Unfortunately, Francis restored McCarrick to all that, held him closer and even made him the kingmaker on who to appoint bishops and cardinals in the US.

    1. I believe the point is that Pope Benedict did not strip McCarrick of his cardinal's hat, laicize him and have McCarrick reported to the civil authorities -- all of which Benedict should have done. Pope Francis could not reinstate McCarrick if he were already in prison. Ratzinger covered for McCarrick the criminal.

    2. Marie. No, that is not a serious punishment as McCarrick evinced little evidence he was a true Priest interested in sacrifice and sanctity

      ABS has a post ready for tomorrow as to why Pope Benedict did not laicise him


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