FBI leaks on Kavanaugh

A close friend of ABS, who works for the FederalBI, has contacted him to reveal what was formerly not disclosed to the United States Senate in one of its six background checks performed on Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

This was the leak that encouraged the Nike-Sneaker-wearing-sneak on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the aptly named, Jeff Flake, to girl-down and sissy-out on his promise to vote for Brett Kavanaugh.

Of course this most recent delay is a major win for the Progressive Commies on the Committee and one anticipates that the Creepy Porn Lawyer is already receiving calls from Commie Pussy-Hat-wearing weirdoes claiming that Kavanaugh pooped on their pizza, was caught peeking in their bathroom window, peed on their Birkenstocks, and threw a kitten off the Dumbarton Bridge.

No matter what the FederalBI investigation reveals, the Democrats were never going to vote for Kavanaugh and so the Republicans have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because cowards.

Poor Kavanaugh, he trusted the POTUS could deliver and he'd be on The SCOTUS before the border wall was built, or Obama Care would be scuttled, or Planned Parenthood would be defunded or something...


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