Straight white males. You think the Republicans have got your back?

How dare he defend himself against a charge refuted by the people the accuser said were at the party?

As for the lunatic liberal from Lava Land, not one republican demanded she apologise for her rank bigotry;

The Republican Party is always in retreat in the face of this rebarbative hate - they just want to  be loved by their enemies who are daily and dutifully attacking old white men.

(Of course, by not treating her as an equal and demanding she apologise for her malign machinations, they are sort of proving they are the very sexists she says they are)

But what the commie liberal from Lava Land said is rank age bigotry, rank racism bigotry, and rank sex bigotry, right?

Yes. And these attacks against the elected Republican Senators is but a synecdoche*form of an attack against all white men.

White men, y'all are on your own...

* Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something (White Republican Senators) stands for all white men.


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