The Catholic League must confront Sen Diane Feinstein and her hatred of Jesus Christ and His Church

The Messias-Denier, Diane Feinstein, clearly hates Jesus Christ and His Church which is why she has recently boldly and publicly tried to ruin the judgeship opportunities of faithful Catholics like Professor Amy Coney Barrett and now, worst of all, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

First Barrett...

and now, Kavanaugh. 

The dirty tricks and evil machinations of the Christ-hating Messias-Denier, Feinstein, have been called an 11th hour gambit but it was really a 13th hour attack that was launched AFTER the hearings of Judge Kavanaugh had concluded and after the Christ-hating Messias-Denier did not ask him anything about this false accusation even though the Messias-Denier had the information and kept it hidden until after all of their attempts to keep him off the SCOTUS had failed.

In the six weeks since Feinstein had received the letter, details had leaked. A report was breaking that night in The Intercept, an online publication. In a matter of hours, with confirmation to the court tantalizingly close, Kavanaugh’s nomination would be in jeopardy. Republicans’ uphill fight to hold control of Congress would face a new hurdle — just six weeks from Election Day. And 3,000 miles away, California college professor Christine Blasey Ford’s life would be upended as the nation debated what did or didn’t happen to her 36 years ago.

Democrats, and Feinstein in particular, have faced fierce criticism from Republicans for keeping their secret until what they say was the eleventh hour. The timing suggests a coordinated ploy to sabotage a conservative jurist they oppose. Democrats argue they were pulled between the politics and the need to respect Ford’s privacy.

Feinstein is a Jew whose authoritative text is The Talmud which teaches that Mary was a whore who was raped by a Roman Soldier while she was menstruating and that her bastard chid, Jesus, was guilty of blasphemy and rightly crucified and is in Hell covered in boiling shit.

It also teaches Jews that they are the supreme race on earth and that the goys -Christians- do not have real souls and that it is ok to cheat them, lie about them, and even kill them without penalty.

This is not politics. 

This is hatred of Jesus Christ and His Church by a racial supremacist who thinks that Catholics have no business issuing rulings in courts.


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