The Putiphar Progressives falsely accusing a God-fearing man

The Book of Genesis — Liber Genesis 
Chapter 39
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Vulgate><Douay-Rheims><Knox Bible

Igitur Joseph ductus est in Ægyptum, emitque eum Putiphar eunuchus Pharaonis, princeps exercitus, vir ægyptius, de manu Ismaëlitarum, a quibus perductus erat.

And Joseph was brought into Egypt, and Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao, chief captain of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought.

Meanwhile, Joseph had been taken away into Egypt, where his Ismaelite owners sold him to an Egyptian called Putiphar, one of Pharao’s courtiers, and captain of his guard.

Fuitque Dominus cum eo, et erat vir in cunctis prospere agens: habitavitque in domo domini sui,

And the Lord was with him, and he was a prosperous man in all things: and he dwelt in his master’s house,

The Lord was with him, so that he prospered in all he undertook; and he was given a lodging in the house of his master,

qui optime noverat Dominum esse cum eo, et omnia, quæ gerebat, ab eo dirigi in manu illius.

Who knew very well that the Lord was with him, and made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

who saw clearly enough how God was with him, giving him success in all he turned his hand to.

Invenitque Joseph gratiam coram domino suo, et ministrabat ei: a quo præpositus omnibus gubernabat creditam sibi domum, et universa quæ ei tradita fuerant:

And Joseph found favour in the sight of his master, and ministered to him: and being set over all by him, he governed the house committed to him, and all things that were delivered to him:

Thus Joseph became his master’s favourite servant, and had the management of all his affairs, and of all the property that was entrusted to him.

benedixitque Dominus domui Ægyptii propter Joseph, et multiplicavit tam in ædibus quam in agris cunctam ejus substantiam:

And the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian for Joseph’s sake, and multiplied all his substance, both at home, and in the fields.

For Joseph’s sake, the Lord blessed the household of this Egyptian, and gave him large revenues of stock and store;

nec quidquam aliud noverat, nisi panem quo vescebatur. Erat autem Joseph pulchra facie, et decorus aspectu.

Neither knew he any other thing, but the bread which he ate. And Joseph was of a beautiful countenance, and comely to behold.

he ate what was put before him, and could not tell how he came by it.

Post multos itaque dies injecit domina sua oculos suos in Joseph, et ait: Dormi mecum.

And after many days his mistress cast her eyes on Joseph, and said: Lie with me.

Joseph had beauty of form and face, and after a while his mistress cast longing eyes at him, and bade him share her bed.

Qui nequaquam acquiescens operi nefario, dixit ad eam: Ecce dominus meus, omnibus mihi traditis, ignorat quid habeat in domo sua:

But he, in no wise consenting to that wicked act, said to her: Behold, my master hath delivered all things to me, and knoweth not what he hath in his own house:

But he would have nothing to do with such wickedness; My master, he said, entrusts everything to my care, and keeps no count of his belongings;

nec quidquam est quod non in mea sit potestate, vel non tradiderit mihi, præter te, quæ uxor ejus es: quomodo ergo possum hoc malum facere, et peccare in Deum meum?

Neither is there any thing which is not in my power, or that he hath not delivered to me, but thee, who art his wife: how then can I do this wicked thing, and sin against my God?

there is nothing of his but I, by his appointment, have the keeping of it, save thee only, his wedded wife. How canst thou ask me to wrong him so grievously, and offend my God?

Hujuscemodi verbis per singulos dies, et mulier molesta erat adolescenti: et ille recusabat stuprum.

With such words as these day by day, both the woman was importunate with the young man, and he refused the adultery.

Such was the talk between them day after day, she ever more importunate, and he still resisting her shameful desire.

Accidit autem quadam die ut intraret Joseph domum, et operis quippiam absque arbitris faceret:

Now it happened on a certain day, that Joseph went into the house, and was doing some business without any man with him:

A day came at last when Joseph must needs be within doors, busy with some task when no one else was by;

et illa, apprehensa lacinia vestimenti ejus, diceret: Dormi mecum. Qui relicto in manu ejus pallio fugit, et egressus est foras.

And she catching the skirt of his garment, said: Lie with me. But he leaving the garment in her hand, fled, and went out.

and she caught him by the hem of his garment, inviting him to her bed. Whereupon he went out, leaving his cloak still in her hand.

Cumque vidisset mulier vestem in manibus suis, et se esse contemptam,

And when the woman saw the garment in her hands, and herself disregarded,

And now, finding herself alone with his garment in her hands, and all her advances spurned,

vocavit ad se homines domus suæ, et ait ad eos: En introduxit virum hebræum, ut illuderet nobis: ingressus est ad me, ut coiret mecum: cumque ego succlamassem,

She called to her the men of her house, and said to them: See, he hath brought in a Hebrew, to abuse us: he came in to me, to lie with me: and when I cried out,

she summoned the men of the household; Look, she said, what comes of bringing in a Hebrew to insult us! Joseph came in, and would have dishonoured me, but I cried out,

et audisset vocem meam, reliquit pallium quod tenebam, et fugit foras.

And he heard my voice, he left the garment that I held, and got him out.

and at the sound of my voice he ran out, leaving his cloak in my grasp.

In argumentum ergo fidei retentum pallium ostendit marito revertenti domum,

For a proof therefore of her fidelity, she kept the garment, and shewed it to her husband when he returned home:

She kept the cloak in support of her story, and shewed it to her husband when he came back home;

et ait: Ingressus est ad me servus hebræus quem adduxisti, ut illuderet mihi:

And said: The Hebrew servant, whom thou hast brought, came to me to abuse me.

This Hebrew slave, she told him, whom thou hast brought into the house to insult me, offered me violence;

cumque audisset me clamare, reliquit pallium quod tenebam, et fugit foras.

And when he heard me cry, he left the garment which I held, and fled out.

and it was only upon hearing me cry for help that he ran out, leaving me with this cloak in my hand.

His auditis dominus, et nimium credulus verbis conjugis, iratus est valde:

His master hearing these things, and giving too much credit to his wife’s words, was very angry.

Upon this Joseph’s master, too easily convinced by what his wife told him, broke into a rage,

tradiditque Joseph in carcerem, ubi vincti regis custodiebantur, et erat ibi clausus.

And cast Joseph into the prison, where the king’s prisoners were kept, and he was there shut up.

and committed him to the prison in which the king’s prisoners were kept. There lay Joseph, then, a captive,

Fuit autem Dominus cum Joseph, et misertus illius dedit ei gratiam in conspectu principis carceris.

But the Lord was with Joseph, and having mercy upon him gave him favour in the sight of the chief keeper of the prison:

but the Lord was still with him, and by the Lord’s mercy he became a favourite with the chief gaoler,

Qui tradidit in manu illius universos vinctos qui in custodia tenebantur: et quidquid fiebat, sub ipso erat.

Who delivered into his hand all the prisoners that were kept in custody: and whatsoever was done was under him.

who put all the prisoners detained there in his charge, and would have nothing done save at his discretion.

Nec noverat aliquid, cunctis ei creditis: Dominus enim erat cum illo, et omnia opera ejus dirigebat.

Neither did he himself know any thing, having committed all things to him: for the Lord was with him, and made all that he did to prosper.

Thus the chief gaoler, in his turn, knew nothing of what went forward, but left all to Joseph, well knowing that the Lord was with him, and prospered all he did.

Saint Augustine: (Gen. 39:1). TRANSITION. — The Scripture 
goes on to repeat that Joseph was taken to Egypt and was bought by Potiphar, the eunuch of Pharaoh

The progressive eunuchs, such as Senators Schumer and Coons, unable to defeat Judge Cavanaugh man to man and face to face, are relying on the lies of a woman to try and make Kavanaugh take his name out of the running for The SCOTUS.

But, Kavanaugh has God at his side and he is not your typical republican bitch who will fold and run.

Take the eunuchs down, Judge, and destroy all of their evil works - Abortion, Sodomy, Race preferences, Welfare for illegal aliens, etc etc 

ALL of those evil works were instituted by The SCOTUS and all are UNCONSTITUTIONAL because those are LEGISLATIVE MATTERS not Judicial ones.

Make the Putiphar Progressive Commie Eunuchs pay...


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