Bumping your head on the Celine

A twelve year old Celine Dion met her future husband when he became her manager.

Celine began a personal relationship with the twice divorced guy when she was 18, and he was 46.

Having gotten off to such a moral start, the perceptive princess has since then gone on to brain herself against the new age amoral and irrational ceiling.

The vid posted below is smashing in that Celine begins by denying she is trying to tell others what to do or not do and then, moments later, she is on screen telling parents not to dress their kids as boys or girls.

She has no self-awareness and so the vid is delightfully entertaining and insipid and as for her partners in the clothing crime and sex chaos ideology business?

It appears as though they were raised liberated from norms of femininity...

The warbler wails that children are somehow being treated unfairly because boys are expected by parents to act like boys and girls are expected to act like girls.

Frankly. the liberating Celine is too low.

If she really wanted to let children decide who they want to be, she should advocate the elimination (pun intended) of diapers and let the lil' ones just pee and poop where they desire - let them poop on a blankie, a rug, a kitten, Mom's new dress...whatever.

If a kid has its bum bound in diapers, it is not free to express itself and poop whenever and wherever it desires and such artificial repression can lead - Westerners have been told - to an anal retentive psychological condition.

Paging Dr. Freud...


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