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Teddy Bear toting millennial male attacks Triumphalism (1)

St. Peter’s Basilica. Not all roads lead to Rome (Aerial Motion/Shutterstock
From time to time, I’ll run into a Catholic who, in a friendly way, will exhort me to return to the Catholic Church, from which I exited in 2006 when I lost my Catholic faith via the abuse scandal. In the past year and a half, I have had two dear Catholic friends make impassioned pleas to me to return to the Catholic Church. I have absolutely no doubt that they did so out of genuine love for me. There is no chance that I will do what they hope I will do, but I received their appeals as acts of love and friendship. They genuinely want what they believe is best for me.
I bring up their example to show that I do not automatically receive this kind of appeal as a hostile or disrespectful act. In fact, under certain conditions, as I indicate, it can be an act of love. More often than not, though, when Catholics who do not know me personally make this kind of appeal, it comes across as a manifestation of arrogance and triumphalism, e.g., If you knew what was good for you, fool, you would return to the One True Faith, which you abandoned so thoughtlessly. I never take them seriously, because it is clear that they are motivated by some kind of hard-shell tribalism, not care for my soul or any other.

Rod Dreher sleeps with a Teddy Bear. 

He abandoned the Catholic Church because of the sodomite crisis which was a very childish and selfish thing to do.

That crisis has to do with a rejection of The Commandments  of Christ and, thus, it is not a legitimate reason to abandon the Faith once delivered.

In fact, the New Testament condemns those who leave the Catholic Church for any reason:

2 John 9

Senior Electæ dominæ, et natis ejus, quos ego diligo in veritate, et non ego solus, sed et omnes qui cognoverunt veritatem,

The ancient to the lady Elect, and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth,

I, the presbyter, send greeting to that sovereign lady whom God has chosen; and to those children of hers who are my friends in the truth, loved, not by me only, but by all those who have recognized the truth, 

propter veritatem, quæ permanet in nobis, et nobiscum erit in æternum.

For the sake of the truth which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.

for love of that truth which dwells in us, and will be our companion for ever.

Sit vobiscum gratia, misericordia, pax a Deo Patre, et a Christo Jesu Filio Patris in veritate, et caritate.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and from Christ Jesus the Son of the Father; in truth and charity.

God the Father, and Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, send you grace, mercy and peace in a spirit of truth and love.

Gavisus sum valde, quoniam inveni de filiis tuis ambulantes in veritate, sicut mandatum accepimus a Patre.

I was exceeding glad, that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

It has given me great happiness, in meeting some of thy children, to find that they followed the way of truth, obeying the command that came to us from the Father.

Et nunc rogo te domina, non tamquam mandatum novum scribens tibi, sed quod habuimus ab initio, ut diligamus alterutrum.

And now I beseech thee, lady, not as writing a new commandment to thee, but that which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.

And now, sovereign lady, I have a request to make of thee. It is no new command that my letter brings, only the command we were given from the first; let us all love one another.

Et hæc est caritas, ut ambulemus secundum mandata ejus. Hoc est enim mandatum, ut quemadmodum audistis ab initio, in eo ambuletis.

And this is charity, that we walk according to his commandments. For this is the commandment, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in the same:

Love means keeping his commandments; love is itself the commandment which our earliest lessons bade us follow.

Quoniam multi seductores exierunt in mundum, qui non confitentur Jesum Christum venisse in carnem: hic est seductor, et antichristus.

For many seducers are gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh: this is a seducer and an antichrist.

Many false teachers have appeared in the world, who will not acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in human flesh; here is the deceiver you were warned against, here is Antichrist.

Videte vosmetipsos, ne perdatis quæ operati estis: sed ut mercedem plenam accipiatis.

Look to yourselves, that you lose not the things which you have wrought: but that you may receive a full reward.

Be on your guard, or you will lose all you have earned, instead of receiving your wages in full. 

Omnis qui recedit, et non permanet in doctrina Christi, Deum non habet: qui permanet in doctrina, hic et Patrem et Filium habet.

Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son.

The man who goes back, who is not true to Christ’s teaching, loses hold of God; the man who is true to that teaching, keeps hold both of the Father and of the Son.

From The Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide

Ver. 2.—For the Truth’s sake. He means, I love them in the Truth, because they themselves constantly adhere to the Truth, i.e. to the true faith. And Electa and her daughters showed that they had this true faith, because they showed it in works of love to the brethren. Therefore did S. John love them. “I love them,” he means to say, “for the Truth’s sake, because they live a life agreeable to the truth of the Gospel.” 

Ver. 3.—Grace, mercy, and peace be with you. Concerning this salutation I have spoken in the beginning of St. Paul’s Epistles to Titus, the Romans, and Corinthians. He adds mercy (or, as the Syriac translation, compassions) to grace, that by the mercies which they had received, and were daily receiving from God through Christ, he might stir up Electa and her children to show like mercy to their neighbours. For all, however holy they may be, still are poor and weak, and need the mercy of God, either because they fall, or are in danger of falling. 

In truth and love, understand, that ye may persevere and increase in them. Catharinus takes it differently, thus: “The grace, mercy, and peace which I ask for you consist in the truth, i.e. true doctrine, in faith, and the charity in which ye sincerely love one another for God’s sake. For in those two things the perfection of Christ consists.” This is a very apposite meaning, easy and obvious, and requires nothing to be understood, or supplied. 

I was exceeding glad because I found of thy children. Of thy children. This is a Hebraism. There is a similar grammatical form in Ps. lxxii. 16, “To Him shall be given of the gold of Arabia, and they shall worship of Him” (de ipso), i.e. “shall worship Him.”

Electa seems to have had many sons or grandsons, for they too are called children. 
Walking in the Truth: ordering their lives according to the rule of the Gospel. Observe, he does not say standing, or sitting, to signify that they made daily progress in the Christian life, and went on from virtue to virtue, in which he proposes them as a model for imitation. 

As we have received commandment from the Father. For the Father has commanded through the Son, even as Christ saith (John xv. 15), “All things whatsoever I have heard of the Father I have made known unto you.” 

Ver.5.—And now, I beseech thee, Lady, &c. This must be referred to the end of the verse, that we love one another. I beseech thee, lady, to exercise thyself, and those who belong to thee, in mutual love. For this commandment of love is not recent and new, but delivered by Christ to me and the rest of the Apostles at the very beginning of the Gospel. Observe the modesty of S. John as something which ought to be imitated by Prelates, in that he says, I beseech thee, Lady, when he might have said, I command thee, 0 my daughter. 

Ver. 6.—For this is the commandment . . . that ye should walk, &c. Viz., that ye should make careful progress in evangelical truth and love, growing and making progress in the love of God and your neighbours, as I enjoined upon you in the very beginning of my preaching. 

Ver. 7.—Because many seducers are going out into the world. He now passes to the second branch of his epistle, from charity to evangelical truth. For these two virtues are inseparable sisters and companions. Now the word because gives the reason for what he had said in the verse preceding. “I have said that ye should walk in charity, should make progress in the commandment of Gospel truth and charity, because many seducers are gone out into the world, who endeavour to overturn this truth, and as a consequence Christian charity, and to tear it from you. Of such therefore ye ought to beware as of wolves. For they strive to draw you away from union with Christ to their own conventicles of Satan.” 

This is a seducer and an antichrist. Whosoever thinks, or teaches, that Christ has not come in the flesh, has not been incarnate; this man is a deceiver. 

Ver. 8.—Lest ye lose that which ye have wrought: the Greek reads in the first person, lest we lose, &c. Lest I should have preached to you in vain, and lest both I and you should lose all our former labour. As the old saying hath it, “There is no greater unhappiness than to remember that we once were happy.” 

But that ye may receive a full reward. That is, if ye take heed to yourselves, and persevere, your perseverance will bring you a full reward. Full, i.e. copious and abundant. For he who falls back, even though he afterwards repent, receives only a half reward, for he loses all the time and the works of the period of his apostasy. The Greek has α̉πολάβωμεν, that we may receive, for the reward of an Apostle and teacher is full when he sees the fruit of his works in his disciples, and when he is honoured and crowned, not only in himself, but in them. As S. Paul says, “What is our hope, or joy, or crown of glory? Ye are our glory and joy.” 

Ver. 9.—Whosoever goeth back, &c. The Greek is παζαβαινιν, i.e., who transgresses. The Syriac reads, he who passes by, and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, has not God for his friend. 

Ver. 10.—lf any one come to you, and bring not this doctrine, &c. S. John in this place not only advises, as some think, but also commands Electa and all the rest of the faithful not to receive to hospitality, nor say Hail, to any one who brings another doctrine, i.e. one which is contrary to the orthodox faith of Christ. For he who saith hail to such is partaker of their evil deeds. That is, he seems to favour and applaud the heretical teacher. 

Observe, not only by human and canon laws, as since the time of S. John they have been enacted by Pontiffs and Councils, heretics are to be avoided in three cases. The first is, when there is danger lest you or yours should be perverted by them, which is a thing which ordinarily happens. For, as S. Paul saith, “Their word doth creep as doth a cancer.” (2 Tim. ii. 17.) 

2d. When, by receiving, you would seem to favour his heresy, and tacitly profess or encourage it. As, for example, if you were to receive to your house and table a recognised Calvinistic minister, who came for the purpose of propagating his heresy. In the same way it would be wrong to be present at his preaching, or eucharists, or to communicate with him in sacris. 

3d. When you give scandal to others, so that they, thinking you to be a host and patron of heretics, should be by your example emboldened to do the same. 

These cases being excepted, intercourse with heretics is not forbidden by the Divine and natural law, especially if necessity, or mercy, or grave benefit counsels it.

What S, John here teaches by way of precept he enforced by his example. For having entered into a bath, as soon as he saw Cerinthus there, he sprang out, crying, “Let us flee quickly lest the bath in which is Cerinthus, the enemy of the truth, should fall upon us!”

S. John’s disciple, S. Polycarp, followed his master, saying in his Epistle to the Philippians, in allusion to these words of S. John, “Abstain,” he says, “from scandals, and from false brethren, who bear the name of the Lord in vain, who cause foolish men to go astray. For every one who confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, he is antichrist: and he who confesses not the mystery of the Cross is a devil.” Thus wrote holy Polycarp, and he acted accordingly. For meeting the heretic Marcion, and being asked by him if he knew him, he answered, “I know thee to be the devil’s first-born.” 

Thus S. Hermenegild was slain by command of his father, Levvigild, king of the Goths, because he would not receive the Eucharist at Easter from an Arian bishop. This is related by S. Gregory (3 Dial. 31), who calls him a martyr of the Church. 
Eusebius of Vercelli, being taken by the Arians, preferred to die of hunger rather than take food from those heretics.

S. Paphnutius took Maximus Bishop of Jerusalem by the hand when he was through simplicity associating with heretics, and led him away from them, saying, “I cannot suffer so venerable a bishop to sit in the seat of pestilence, and to communicate with unclean heretics even by a word.”

When S. Martin communicated with the Bishops of the Ithacian sect, in the hope of saving them, he was warned by an angel not to do so. And although he repeated, he experienced a diminution of grace, so that he did not work so many miracles as he had previously wrought. (Sulp. Sever. lib. 3 Dial)

Still more are heretical books to be avoided. For these pestilent productions conceal their heresy like a plague under an appearance of elegance and wisdom, and instil it into the minds of the readers. In this present age the heresy of Luther and Calvin has been dispersed through so many kingdoms by means of their books. If you wish to take away their heresy, take away their books and their ministers. In truth you will have taken it away as soon as you have substituted pious and learned priests and preachers. 

Neither say godspeed (ave) to him. The Syriac has, ye shall not say either hail to him or farewell. The ancient Romans said ave, or salve at coming in, vale at going out. Ave then here means the same as the Greek χαὶζειν, rejoice. 

For he who saith to him Ave (Syriac rejoice) is a partaker in his evil deeds. For he who salutes a heretical teacher seems to approve his heresy. Some Latin copies add here, Lo, I have told you beforehand, that ye may not be confounded in the day of the Lord. 

Ver. 12.—Having many things, &c. Either because they were confidential, or because letters might perish, or fall into the hands of unbelievers, who would interpret them falsely. 

He who has not God as a friend is the one who classically arrogates unto his own self the power to decide the Catholic Church is not the one true church but that he so-called Orthodox church is;

arrogate (v.)

"claim or demand presumptuously," 1530s, from Latin arrogatus, past participle of arrogare "to claim for oneself," from assimilated form of ad "to" (see ad-) + rogare "to ask, to propose (a law, a candidate); to ask a favor, entreat, request," apparently a figurative use of a PIE verb meaning literally "to stretch out (the hand)," from *rog-, variant of the root *reg- "move in a straight line." 

Related: Arrogatedarrogating.

Pope Benedict VX (NOT the abdicator) had these prayer intentions for Christian Unity

Friday, Jan. 18: The return of all the “other sheep” to the one fold of St. Peter, the One Shepherd.

Saturday, Jan. 19: The return of all Oriental Separatists to Communion with the Apostolic See.

Sunday, Jan 20: The submission of Anglicans to the Authority of the Vicar of Christ.

Monday, Jan 21: That the Lutherans and all other Protestants of continental Europe may find their way back to the Holy Church.

Tuesday, Jan 22: That Christians in America may become One in communion with the Chair of St. Peter.

Wednesday, Jan. 23: The return to the Sacraments of lapsed Catholics.

Thursday, Jan. 24: The conversion of the Jews.

Friday, Jan. 25: The Missionary conquest of the world for Christ.

Now, look at the anthropocentric intentions and praxis of the Shadow Church Popes since John 23rd and try to convince yourself we have the same church as it existed under Pope Benedict XV who composed this abandoned, and now long forgotten, but true, prayer for Church Unity - 


January 18 through 25 Official Octave Prayer (to be recited daily)

ANTIPHON: That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. (John 17:21)

V. I say unto thee that thou art Peter,

R. And upon this Rock I will build My Church.

Let us pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who saidst untoThine Apostles peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, regard not our sins, but the faith of Thy Church, and vouchsafe to grant unto Her that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Will Who livest and reignest, God, forever and ever Amen

First Day of the Octave (January 18th) The Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome.

Intention of the Day: the return of the "other sheep" to the One Fold of Christ. Prayer for the Return of the Other Sheep

Priest: Let us pray: O God, in Thy mercy thou dost set aright those who have gone astray and Thou dost save those whom Thou hast gathered together. We beseech Thee to pour down upon all Christian people the grace of union with Thee, so that putting aside disunion and attaching themselves to the true shepherd of Thy Church, they may be able to serve Thee humbly and lovingly. Through Christ Our Lord. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Immaculate Virgin, who wast preserved by a singular privilege of grace from original sin, look down with pity upon our separated brethren, who are still thy children, and call them back to the Center of Unity. Many have, even from afar, preserved a most tender devotion towards thee, O Mother; reward them for their devotion by obtaining for them the grace of conversion. Victorious over the powers of hell from the very first moment of thine existence, renew, now that the necessity is more urgent, thy triumphant progress, as in ages past. Glorify thy Son, O Mother, by bringing back to the One Fold His straying sheep. And may it be thy glory, O Virgin Mary, to banish error from the earth, to put an end to disunity and to restore peace to the world. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

Priest: O glorious St. Peter, as a reward for thy lively and generous faith, thy profound and sincere humility, and thy ardent love, thou wast singled out by Our Lord and endowed with most special privileges. Thou wast also constituted Prince of the Apostles with primacy over the whole Church, of which thou wert made the Rock and Foundation. Obtain for us, we pray, a lively faith and an ardent zeal so that all of us will labor for the return of our separated brethren. May the desire of Our Divine Redeemer, that there might be but "one Fold and one Shepherd," be for us, as it wast for thee, the inspiration to work and pray for the return of all those who are still outside the Fold. Strengthened by Divine Grace, may they be led back speedily to the bosom of our common Mother, the Catholic Church. People: Amen.

Second Day of the Octave (January 19th)

Intention of the day: The return of Oriental Separatists to Communion with the Apostolic See Prayer for the Reunion of the East and West

Priest: Let us Pray. O Lord, Who hast united all nations in the confession of Thy name, we pray Thee for the Christian peoples of the East. Mindful of the eminent place they have held in Thy Church, we beg of Thee to inspire them to occupy it again, so as to form with us one single fold. Grant that they, together with ourselves, may be penetrated with the teaching of those holy doctors of theirs, who are also our Fathers in the Faith. Grant us that the spirit of peace and charity, which is the mark of Thy presence among the faithful, may hasten the day in which their prayers may be united with ours, so that every people and every tongue may acknowledge and glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Immaculate Virgin Mary, we thy servants and children, full of confidence in thy powerful protection, humbly beseech thee to implore of the Holy Ghost the abundance of His gifts for our brethren, the separated Christians of the East. 

Enlightened by His vivifying grace, may they return to the bosom of the Catholic Church. We pray also that our Oriental brethren, once more united to us by the indissoluble bonds of the same faith and the same charity, may, with us, glorify by the practice of good works the most august Trinity, and at the same time pay homage to thee, O Virgin Mother of God, full of grace, now and forever. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to the Fathers of the Eastern Church

Priest: O glorious martyrs, Saint Ignatius of Antioch and Saint Polycarp of Smyrna, and thou, illustrious Doctors of the Church, Saint Athanasius, Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Basil, who worked and suffered so much for the purity of faith and the salvation of the souls entrusted to thy paternal care, look down from heaven upon thy beloved Eastern countries, which, forgetful of thy teaching and example, live now separated from the body of the true Church. By thy powerful intercession, O holy Eastern Fathers, obtain for all separated Oriental Christians the grace to
return to the Center of Unity, and to form with us one and the same family, in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. People: Amen.

Third Day of the Octave (January 20th)

Intention of the day: The conversion of the Anglicans. Prayer for the Conversion of England

Priest: Let us pray. O Jesus, Good Shepherd, look down benignly upon the great and noble English nation. Converted to Thee through the labors of St. Augustine and his companions, it was for many centuries rich in fruits of faith and sanctity. So devoted was this nation to Thy holy and Immaculate Mother that it was known throughout Christendom as the "Dowry of Mary." When it was separated from Thee in cruel fashion, many hundreds of its people willingly shed their blood in testimony of their loyalty to Thee and Thy Church. O Loving Shepherd of souls, recall this great nation once more to the unity of Thy Church, and grant peace of soul to all those now separated from Thy flock. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and our own most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon England, thy Dowry, and upon us all who greatly hope and trust in thee. Through thee it was that Jesus our Savior and our Hope was given unto the world; and He has given thee to us that we might hope still more. Plead for us thy children, whom thou didst receive and accept at the foot of the Cross, O sorrowful Mother. Intercede for our separated English brethren, that they may be united with us in the One True Fold. Pray for us all, dear Mother, that by faith fruitful in good works we may all deserve to see and praise God together with Thee in our heavenly home. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to the English Martyrs

Priest: O Glorious Martyrs of England, Saint Thomas More, Saint John Fisher and thy companions, who, to sustain the voice of the Supreme Head of the True Church against the decrees of your rulers, didst willingly and courageously suffer death, pray now that the great nation to which thou didst belong may once more return to the bosom of the Church from which it was so cruelly wrested. People: Amen.

Fourth Day of the Octave (January 21st)

Intention of the day: That the Lutherans and other Protestants Of continental Europe may find their way back to Holy Church.

Prayer for the Conversion of Protestants

Priest: Let us pray. O most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast redeemed the world at the price of Thy Most Precious Blood, look down in Thy mercy upon the Christian peoples of Europe, who are still outside Thy Fold, and let the full blaze of the light of Thy truth shine upon them. Multiply, O God, the true messengers of Thy Gospel, inspire them with fervor, make them fruitful in good works, and bless with Thy grace their zeal and their labors, so that the separated Christians of Europe may be fully converted to Thee, their Creator and Redeemer. Recall the stray sheep to Thy Fold, and the wanderers to the bosom of Thy one true Church. Hasten, O dearest Savior, the happy advent of Thy Kingdom on earth, draw all men to the treasures of Thy Sacred Heart, so that all may share in the priceless benefits of Thy Redemption in the eternal happiness of Heaven. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Mary, Mother of Mercy and Refuge of Sinners, we beseech thee to look with pitying eyes upon the Protestant peoples of Europe. O Seat of Wisdom, enlighten their minds, so that they may come to know that the Catholic Church is the one, True Church of Christ. Complete their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to believe every truth of our Holy Faith. Once more united to us by the bonds of divine charity, they will sing with us forever thy glorious praises. "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou alone hast destroyed all error in the whole world." Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to St. Agnes on her feast

Priest: O singular example of virtue, glorious Saint Agnes, the lively faith that animated thee from thy childhood rendered thee so acceptable to God that thou didst merit the crown of martyrdom. Obtain for us, we pray, the grace to preserve entire in our hearts the Catholic Faith, and to seek the conversion to the faith of our Christian brethren now separated from us, so that all may become Christians not only in word but also in deed. Pray for us today that, as we confess Jesus openly in the face of men, Jesus may give favorable testimony of us before His Father in heaven. People: Amen.

Fifth Day of the Octave (January 22nd)

Intention of the Day: That Protestants in America may become one in union with the Chair of Saint Peter.

Prayer for the Conversion of America

Priest: Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, grant unto all Thy servants, but especially to the people of our own nation, the grace of being fully united to Thee in Thy Church. O Divine Redeemer, of Whom the prophet sang "all the kings of the earth shall adore Him and all the nations shall serve Him," extend Thy Kingdom over the entire human race, but especially over our own beloved country. Grant in Thy mercy that the people of our land may be converted to Thee, and humbly and lovingly serve Thee. This we ask, O Savior, through the intercession of Thy Immaculate Mother, the benevolent patroness and protectress of our country. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: Most Holy Virgin, who wast pleasing to the Lord and became His Mother, Immaculate in body and spirit, in faith and in love, look down kindly upon us poor sinners. We now implore thy powerful patronage for all the people of our beloved land. The wicked serpent, against whom the first curse was hurled, continues fiercely to attack and ensnare the unhappy children of Eve. O Blessed Mother, our Queen and our advocate, who crushed the head of the enemy from the very first moment of thine existence, receive from us the prayers which we implore thee to present at the throne of God. Pray that we may never fall into the snares laid out for us, and that we may all arrive at the port of salvation. May the Church and Christian society, now in so many dangers, sing once again the hymn of deliverance, of victory, and of peace. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist

Priest: O most zealous messenger of God, Saint John the Baptist, while thou didst work no miracles on others, thou didst draw after thee crowds, to prepare them to receive Our Savior worthily and to listen to His heavenly teaching. This thou didst do sole!y by the example of thy holy life and the practice of every good work. Pray that we also may receive the grace to lead many souls to God, but, above all, the souls of those who are still outside the One Fold in our own beloved country. People: Amen.

Sixth Day of the Octave (January 23rd)

Intention of the Day: The return to the Sacraments of lapsed Catholics.

Prayer for Lapsed Catholics:

Priest: Let us pray. O Almighty Father, Who desirest not the death of the sinner,but rather that he be converted and live pour out upon us thy mercy and listen to the prayers of Thy servants. Soften the hearts of those children of Thine who have strayed from the true paths, which Thou didst establish for their salvation. They are now forgetful of their duties as Catholics and pursue only the transitory pleasures of the world. Grant that they may speedily return to the practice of every Christian virtue, so that their fives may shine with the integrity of faith, the fervor of piety, and the ardor of charity. Restore all of them to Thy Sacraments and to the life of Thy grace, through the merits of the Most Precious Blood of Thy Son, Our Savior Jesus Christ. People: Amen

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Mother of Jesus Christ and our Mother, we pray thee to obtain for us the grace of serving God faithfully in this world that we may have the happiness of loving Him eternally in heaven. Hear the prayers that we address to thee, O Mother; defend us against the enemies of our salvation, and against our own infirmities. Obtain for us pardon for our sins and perseverance in the determination never to fall away again. We implore thee to take under thy protection those who have abandoned the practice of their Catholic duties. May they be converted again and become faithful servants of thy Son. O Mother of Mercy, be for us all "the cause of our joy" and show unto us Jesus Christ, thy Son, as thy gift to us both for time and for eternity. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to Saint Peter

Priest: O glorious Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles and firm foundation of the Church, obtain for us a lively faith, which we may openly and fearlessly profess in its integrity and purity, even, if need be, to the shedding of our blood. Obtain for us also a true love of our Holy Mother the Church, and make us zealous in the fulfillment of our religious duties. We pray to you today to intercede for those who have wandered from the Church which Christ established for their salvation. May they receive from Almighty God, through your intercession, the grace to return speedily to their Father's love, so that they may enjoy here on earth peace and tranquillity, and one day attain everlasting happiness in heaven. People: Amen.

Seventh Day of the Octave (January 24th)

Intention of the day: Conversion of the Jews. Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews:

Priest: Let us pray. O God, Who dost manifest Thy mercy and compassion towards all peoples, have mercy upon the Jewish race, once Thy Chosen People. Thou didst select them alone out of all the nations of the world to be the custodians of Thy sacred teachings. From them Thou didst raise up Prophets and Patriarchs to announce the coming of the Redeemer. Thou didst will that Thine only Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, should be a Jew according to the flesh, born of a Jewish maiden in the Land of Promise. Listen to the prayers we offer Thee today for the conversion of the Jewish people. Grant that they may come safely to a knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah foretold by their Prophets, and that they may walk with us in the way of salvation. People: Amen.

Prayer of the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion

Priest and People: God of all goodness and Father of mercies, we beseech Thee, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and by the intercession of the Patriarchs and holy Apostles, to cast a look of compassion upon the children of Israel, that they may be brought to the knowledge of our only Savior, Jesus Christ, and may partake of the precious fruits of the Redemption. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to Saint Paul

Priest: O holy Apostle Paul of Tarsus, from thy glorious place in heaven, look down upon the race thou didst love so well. True it is that many of them remained deaf to thy ringing words of truth, and that some of them even stirred up persecution against thee and thy fellow believers, but thou wert so devoted to thy people that thou didst will to become a castaway for the sake of their conversion. Now that thou art glorious in heaven, obtain for thy brethren the grace of repentance and conversion, so that they may finally take their rightful place in the great family of the Catholic Church. People: Amen. 

Eighth Day of the Octave (January 25th)

Eighth Day of the Octave (January 25th) Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

Intention of the day: The Missionary Conquest of the World for Christ. Prayer for the Conversion of Our Brethren

Priest: Let us pray. Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that the souls of unbelievers have been created by Thee, and formed to Thine own image and likeness. Behold, O Lord, how to Thy dishonor hell is being filled with these same souls. Remember, O God, that for their salvation Thy Son Jesus Christ underwent a most cruel death. Do not permit, O Lord, that Thy Divine Son be any longer despised by unbelievers; but be appeased by the prayers of the Saints and of the Church, the Spouse of Thy most holy Son, and forgetting their idolatry and unbelief, grant that they may at last come to acknowledge Thy Son Jesus Christ, Who is our Salvation, Life and Resurrection, through Whom we have been saved and redeemed; to Whom be glory forever and ever. People: Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Priest and People: O Blessed Mother of God, whose stainless heart is full of mercy and compassion, look down in pity upon those who have not yet heard the tidings of the Gospel. Remember that they are the work of the hands of thy Son that they have been created in His image and redeemed by His Most Precious Blood. Obtain for these poor brethren of ours the knowledge of our Holy Faith, and the grace to love, embrace, and to practice it faithfully. Intercede at the throne of the Most High, O Mother, that many more missionaries may be sent to pagan lands, there to win souls for thy Divine Son. O Virgin Mother of God, pray that all of us may soon be united in one and the same hope, and in one and the same love. Attentive to the words of thy Divine Son, may we dwell in peace and happiness in the Church He instituted for our salvation. Amen.

Priest: Our Lady of the Atonement intercede for us.

People:That there may be fulfilled the prayer of thy Divine Son, "That all may be one."

Prayer to Saint Paul

Priest: O glorious Saint Paul, from a persecutor of the Christian name thou didst become an Apostle of burning zeal, and in order that Jesus Christ might become known to the furthermost bounds of the earth, thou didst joyfully suffer imprisonment, scourging, stoning, shipwreck, and every kind of persecution. Obtain for us now the grace to pray at all times for those who have not as yet been blessed with the gift of faith. Help us to use all our strength for the conversion of those who have not as yet heard the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. People: Amen.


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