Back-stabbing Steve Bannon and his deadly loyalty allergy.

Trump’s monster, Steve Bannon,  attacks The POTUS as a way to thank him for plucking him from obscurity

Back-stabbing Steve, "The Lennist," Bannon and Brietbart have a falling out...

Bannon's departure — just days after his public criticisms of former White House colleagues led to a spectacular falling-out with President Trump and his allies — was a humbling denouement for a figure who had reached the uppermost levels of power only a year ago. It leaves him with no evident platform to promote his views and no major financial backer for his preferred candidates.

Well then, off to Rome to join another organisation I can use to promote me own self and agenda, one imagines him thinking.

Good, for Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke.  One hopes he escaped with no knife wounds in his back.

The LAST thing the Catholic Church requires is a "conservative" vs progressive political pissing contest between Bannon and Pope Francis.

From Brietbart to The White House to being fired by Trump then back to Brietbart where there is (what a surprise) another "falling-out" and another job loss then on to Rome where there is another "falling out" likely happening already.

It's almost like there is an observable pattern of behavior...


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