The Vatican Two Error  Era Pope Saints are an embarrassment to real Catholics.

The profound consequences of the scandal entries in the Catechism promulgated by Pope Saint John Paul II,  in which, for the first time in history, a universal Catechism identified one man as having given scandal (a mortal sin according to the same Catechism) continue at a fever pitch.

The man identified as having given scandal is the God-Man, Jesus Christ.

Yet men wonder why He has withdrawn His grace from His Bride.

Who expects Jesus to continue to dispense His grace to His church when it has publicly accused Him of sin? 

Even IF his bride/wife has given scandal, what real man would accuse her of that publicly rather than try and hide that shame because he loves his bride.

How could the new theologians (progeny of Modernists) have dared accuse Jesus of scandal - and taught that Jesus placed the leaders of Israel on the horns of a dilemma (a dilemma is a problem with no good options) as though Jesus is not a good option?

The new theologians did that because they do not love Jesus Christ.They love man.

Many men claim the restoration of Catholicism must begin with the restoration of the Real Mass and The Sacraments to their pre 1962 status but it seems a much more solemn, serious, and stark decisions must be taken.

Our Hierarchy MUST entirely repudiate these catechism entries, identify the ones responsible for them and make them do public penance. Our Hierarchy must apologise for having allowed these blasphemous heresies to masquerade as teaching and they must remove these entries and publish a new catechism and urge everyone to burn the current catechism.

The Hierarchy must tell us if a Rabbi wrote the #587 - 591 entries because the subtext of those entries is Jewish innocence in the worst possible crime imaginable - Deicide.


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