How ABS thinks about The Occult Cult.

ABS thinks the Occult Cult is possessed of a shared delusion and delusions are not correctable by reason or logic.

They seem scandalised by the progressive praxis and prose our Our Pope and Our Cross because he has increased the speed and intensified the methods of the already existing shift away from Tradition that began with Pope John XXIII; a shift away from Theocentrism and towards Anthropocentrism.
One can express sympathy for them to be sure but if they are to be granted latitude in their claims and calls for investigations, what about the far more numerous members of the sedevacantist clans? Do they also have legitimate standing to demand their claims be adjudicated in a Canonical Court?
The essential problem with the Occult Cult is its rejection of the infallible dogmatic fact of the election of Francis and which election rendered moot any and all possible objections to his papacy the Cult currently traffics in.
Ann Barnhardt is the charismatic leader of The Occult Cult and even up to this minute she is sinking in the quicksand of This-is-thermonuclear-proof-that-Benedict-is-really-pope-because-man-A-told-man-B-that-man-C told-man-B-that-man-D-assured-him-that…

The ineluctable fact having to do with the Occult Cult is that any evidence produced will be automatically gainsaid because the members of the cult are diabolically delusional. Give Satan his due, he is always striving to peel men away from the Catholic Church and the Occult Cult is populated by a certain kind of man who refuses to accept infallible dogmatic facts.
It is important to understand this if one does not want to end up tearing one's hair out with exasperation after having provided so many reasonable and logical responses to their ever metastasizing “Proofs that Benedict is still Pope.”

That have a protestant private judgment mentality and they refuse The Roman Catholic Church the authority it is possessed of to declare Francis Pope and no amount of reason or logic will change their collective mind. Said otherwise, it is they who are no longer Catholic, not the Church. 
They are in way too deep in the spiritual quicksand for any oxygen to get to whatever humility they may have once had.
Who can imagine Ann Barnhardt, after so many months of doing what she has been doing, to suddenly spiritually surrender and admit she has been mistaken and that The Catholic Church is right to have accepted Francis as Pope?
She has a history of radical claims and demands- that one was not a good christian if he did not join her tax revolt and stop paying taxes (The IRS took her possessions) and she said that any man who objected to usury was anti semitic and she continues to call for armed revolution in America while calling a billion Muslims, Musloids, and calling for the destruction of Islam – not for conversions, for destruction.
The advice offered by Saint Vincent of Lerins in Commonitory is useful for us Catholics. He teaches us that God permits prelates to try and impose novelties as the way God tests us to see if we love Him. During these times of testing, we must remain faithful to the Original Deposit of Faith and Tradition.
Those who are safe and sane during these times of testing are those who possess the Peace of Christ and trust that He has always been, still is, and will always be the head of His Church.
Sadly, the Occult Cult does not trust in Jesus Christ or His promises. It thinks the Church has accepted a fake Pope which means that Jesus is the biggest who has ever lived, who broke His promises, and is only worthy of trust if He agrees with the Occult Cult.


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