Christ hating Jews and Nostra Aetate

Jules Isaac, Jewish Anti-Catholic hater, inspired V2 “teaching”

... according to Jules Isaac, the Evangelists were liars, St. John Chrysostom is a delirious theologian and a scurrilous pamphleteer, St. Augustine uses his sharp, subtle mind to falsify the facts, Pope St. Gregory the Great invented the “formidable theme of the ‘carnal people’, which has unleashed the savagery of the Beast against the Jews throughout history”, and St. Agobard, the celebrated Primate of Gaul, hurled “from the roof-tops to flocks of the faithful a teaching which leads to the most odious consequences, to crimes of genocide, to massive assassinations and to monstrous progroms.” 

All persecutors, filled with anti-Jewish hatred, the veritable forerunners of Streicher and others, morally responsible for “Auschwitz” and “six million innocent Jewish victims”. 

Thus, Jules Isaac denounces this, asserts that, and then condemns the great doctors without attempting to analyse any of the reasons which led them all, each of different character and origin — Jewish, Greek and Latin — and each raised by the Church to the altar, to make such stern and weighty accusations against the Jews. 

This is the man who met with, influenced and inspired Pope John 23rd and Pope Paul VI to change Tradition to satisfy our enemies.

It didn't work because The Jews still hate Christ, His Church and, especially those still attached to Tradition.


Andrew Eisenmenger Judiasm unmasked

"Do Christians realise what the name of Jesus, their God, can mean to a Jew? For a Christian, even an atheist, it evokes, or at least has evoked at some time, a being infinitely good, who offers 
himself as The Good, who desires at least to carry on the torch of all bygone philosophies and all morals. For the Christian who is still a believer, Jesus epitomises and fulfils the better part of 
himself. The Christian who has ceased to believe no longer takes that ideal seriously; he may even resent it, accuse the priests of incompetency or even of deception; but though he denounces it 
as an illusion he generally leaves no doubt as to the grandeur and beauty of that illusion. 

To the Jew who still believes and professes his own religion, Christianity is the greatest theological and metaphysical usurpation in history; it is a spiritual scandal, a subversion and blasphemy . To all Jews, even if they are atheists, 
the name of Jesus is the symbol of a threat, of that great threat that has hung over their heads for centuries and which may, any moment, burst forth in catastrophes of which they know neither the cause nor the prevention. That name is part of the 
accusation, absurd and frenzied, but so efficiently cruel, that makes social life barely liveable. That name has, in fact, come to be one of the signs, one of the names of the immense apparatus that surrounds the Jew, condemns him and excludes him.

I hope my Christian friends will forgive me. That they may better understand, let me say that to the Jews, their God is, in a way, the Devil, if, as they say, the Devil is the symbol and essence of all evil on earth, iniquitous and all-powerful, incomprehensible and bent on crushing helpless human beings.
“It is an extremely solemn and sad page which recalls for us the meeting between Jesus and the Jewish people. This people was predestined to receive the Messiah and had been waiting for him 
for thousands of years and was completely absorbed in this hope and certitude, but at the very moment, that is to say when Christ came and spoke and showed himself, not only did they not recognise him, but fought him, slandered him, abused him and finally put him to death. (Osservatore Romano, 7th April 1965)


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