Pope tests negative for Tradition.

Vatican authorities today excitedly stated that Our Pontiff has tested negative for Tradition and they cited The Pontifical Academy of Sciences which posited, We are quite certain he developed sufficient protestant antibodies to Tradition during his Jebbie education * and so was spared the scourge of Tradition which our Pontiff calls Pharisaical.

L'osservatore Romano reported that upon hearing the news, The Pontiff released a vulture but the bird flew towards  Domus Sanctae Marthae, landed, and it refuses to budge from its perch.

The L'osservatore Romano later was forced to apologise for its unintentional insensitive Bird Flew (Flu) insult. 

We hope we have not offended our very close Commie friends in Communist China to whom we have given our complete confidence and our personal permission that they are the ones to decide who is and isn't a legitimate Bishop in China.


* The Jebbie Generation of male persons, that included Francis, began every day by putting on their big boy P.A.N.T.S. (Progressive And New Theology Studies) and went stridently striding out into the Catholic world to change it and they became the boot that is sempiternally stomping on the face of Faith.

Those Big Boy Pants inoculated them against what they consider to be the infection of Tradition.


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