Criminals, "Occupied," Judges, Open Borders

  1. ABS has always advocated that any time a judge releases a sexual criminal (not offender, criminal) that criminal must live with the judge and his family for a year before being released to resume his life of crime among the innocent.
    If the Judge has a child or two, so much the better.
    As for those who are for open borders, it would be satisfying to learn those opposed to open borders have arranged for an array of services (food, shelter, transportation) so that the invader from the south would be eventually placed in a tent on the property of that idiot politician with real border reporters/photographers prepared to document the attempts to clear the invaders off of the open borders political property,


    The Netflix series, Occupied, is a dystopian fantasy about, specifically, Norway being occupied by Russia and all of the resulting calamitous chaos but it is also generally about the people of any nation whose liberties have been eroded/destroyed.
  2. Occupied could be about the American people who have been deprived of their Civil Rights (no, Civil Rights is not about special perks, privileges and quotas for minorities but about the individual rights of the citizen vs the state) by the tyrants in black robes or about the American people suddenly awakening to the fact that their liberties have been destroyed by Tiny Tony Fauci (PBUH) and The Brix Babe who practices medicine without a license.
    Like the Russians who saw the passive, feminised Norwegian men so easily dominated, ABS has seen that the feminised American men have similarly had their liberties destroyed with barely a “Hey, that’s no fair..” rhetorical resistance
    In Occupied, there is, finally, a resistance that forms and well, enough information about that worthy series...


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