Silence in the face of Iconoclasm

The true altar, that unified the Mass and Eucharist with the theological message of Bernini’s colossal bronze sculpture of the Chair of Peter was torn out years ago by Virgilio Card. Noè.  I was there that morning.  I saw them.

OK, well, what did you do, Fr. Z, to stop the iconoclasm? ABS would have had to have been arrested and removed by the cops if anybody tried that in front of him?

Fr Kim
The High Altar in St Peter’s is the altar above the tomb of St Peter under the central baldacchino. The altar to which you refer was the ‘Altar of the Chair’ at the far end of the apse. This was indeed removed under Cardinal Virgilio Noe, a disciple of Bugnini and one time Arch-priest of St Peter’s. It was removed while I was a student in Rome, I think in either 1990 or 1991. It was removed furtively while the Pope was away on his summer holidays. The reason Noe gave was that the altar had no historical value! The present altar in this region faces the people and is used for daily Mass and Vespers on a Sunday. It was designed, I believe by Paul VI and looks just like an ironing board.


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