Stop aping the media and the shrinks. The problem is SODOMY

Many Catholic minds are occupied by the enemy. 

The Media, which is decidedly pro-sodomy, labels the sex crimes of sodomitic priests, pedophilia, but 80%, or more, of the sex crimes were committed against post-pubescent adolescent males.

The problem is sodomy/homosexuality.

Of course there were sexual crimes committed against pre-pubescent children but that is not the vast majority of the sex crimes.

Stop aping the media. The media hates your living guts and wants you destroyed. 

The problem is sodomy. The problem is priests who have persuaded themselves that their lustful perversion of sodomy will benefit those whom they sedulously labor to seduce.

O, and don't adopt the squishy categories of the psych world either as it is easy to get bogged down in the putative distinctions amongst the various perversions; Hebephilia, Pedophilia, 
Ephebophilia and there are sure to be new categories created by the psych world that also hates you.

Stick with the categories we Catholics have always used - SODOMY/SODOMITES.

Don't let your enemies occupy your minds.

Aretha has passed on but she had some good advice about calling something exactly what is...


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