Battle of Franklin, Tenn. Nov 30, 1864

Battle of Franklin, Tenn. Nov 30, 1864

A Sister-in-law is an English Professor at a local College, Belmont,  near Franklin, Tennessee and oncet ABS and The Bride went to visit her and we toured the site of this fierce and deadly battle; it is where The Army of Tennessee died during one night and where Nine Thousand Men were killed in only six hours of fighting.

ABS was not the only man who openly wept during this tour. It is heart-wrenching and if you have a lively imagination this is one War for Southern Independence Battlefield that you ought tour so you can compassionate the brave souls who gave their lives for liberty and your tears can help quench their thirst to be remembered.

At The Carter House, one can still see the blood stains on the floor and one can put his finger in bullet holes in the house and the barn and one can see the cellar where the Carter Family, and others, holed-up trying to avoid death during the battle.

And the young Captain Tod Carter who had escaped from capture by the invading Armies of the North? 

He was cut-down by enemy fire as he tried to fight his way home; and as he lay there in the dark, slowly bleeding-out onto his ancestral land, little did he realise that he symbolised Liberty bleeding-out onto its ancestral lands all over the South because some mercantilist madman in Washington would not let The Southern man live free; and millions of other Southerners who just wanted to be left alone to live their lives free from the orders of the  self-righteous war criminal bastid Lincoln in Washington also stained their ancestral lands with their own blood and we Americans are taught to think the War of Northern Aggression against men who just wanted to be left alone was, although a bit unfortunate and bloody, a necessary evil.


I'd take one Captain Tod Carter over one million Lincolns; but, America loves a "winner" and in Washington we have a gigantic statue of The War Criminal, Lincoln, while nine Americans know about Captain Tod Carter who symbolised the American Liberty that Lincoln ordered killed.

Lord have mercy.

Captain Tod Carter


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