Ghandi was a goon

Arriving in New Delhi as an Administrator Big Wig for The East India Company, Sir Reginald Axel Audrey Primrose Willoughby, nickname, "Quince," was the genius who originated the idea of Taxing the natives, rightly reasoning, Well, why the hell not? It's not like they can do anything about it; we've got  all the guns.

The natives he ruled over were a queer lot to the gimlet eye of the Englishmen  -  sircars, (money brokers) duftorees (office keepers), crannies (clerks), hiscarrahs (messengers), hookah-bindars (pipe bearers) khidmatgars (table servants), ayahs (nurses) , hajaums (barbers) duress (tailors) and a whole shit ton of other wogs, whack-jobs, and weirdoes.

The strange thing was that all of these servants - poorly paid and always dog-tired from doing menial and mundane tasks for limited-character lunatics like Sir Reginald Axel Audrey Primrose Willoughby - accepted their poor wages and virtual chattel status with equanimity until Sir Reginald Axel Primrose Willoughby, pretty well lit-up after a dozen Bombay Gin and Tonics, decreed From now on, at least one new born baby a month in New Delhi must be named, Dot.

It was about that time - or a century or so later - that a man named, Mahatma was born and, like a pot of water coming to temperature and ready to be poured over some tea leaves, things began to percolate in the British Possessions as The Baboo's boiling resentment began to break the then previously calm societal surface tension.

It is said that Mahatma was once touring the American Southwest on an elephant when he stopped in at the Suds and Sluts Saloon in Abilene,  * Texas and tried to order a shot of whiskey, not being able to read the sign hanging behind the bar, written in English, We don't serve Indians, and Calamity Jane said to the bartender, Can I shoot him in the thigh? but cooler heads prevailed and his dusty ass was dragged out of there, by his lower caste slave, Punjab, and just in the nick of time.

Ghandi was a racist goon who let his wife die by refusing her the state-of-the-art English medical treatment he later received.

So, what does all of this teach us?

That nearly every single person proposed to us as a role model is a freak, fraud, fool, or giant Fag, and so when the world is telling us that so-and-so is Aces, take some time and do your own research on the person for, no doubt, they will end up about as virtuous and admirable as the man described by The Drunken War Criminal, Winston Churchill when speaking about Mighty Mo' Ghandi- He reminds me of an Elephant's ass; he is all gray, wrinkly and smelly. **

Ghandi was as racist as Abe Lincoln

** This rarely cited quote can be found in Vol. 7, Chapter 9, Get a load of this,  page 17 of Still more quotes ABS has made-up.


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